Organic and produced in Amsterdam
At 7AM, we are passionate about providing healthy, convenient, and delicious breakfast solutions that cater to various dietary needs. Our breakfast boxes are meticulously prepared using only the finest organic ingredients, ensuring that every bite is not only tasty but also beneficial for your well-being.
High-quality and organic ingredients
The ingredients of a product are the heart of its quality. We choose them with extreme accuracy and love.
Our products derive from organic farming. Organic agriculture differs from the conventional one since it excludes the use of chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the various plant productive phases. This means neither pesticides and chemical fertilizers, nor weedkillers or insecticides are ever used. In a similar way organic husbandry excludes the use of antibiotics, hormones and chemical or genetically modified feed for animal breeding. Organic farming is protected and guaranteed by a strict controlled chain (see European Regulation Reg. UE n. 2018/848).
The central method for the preparation of our products is by dehydration.
This permits fruits and vegetables to be stored and consumed whenever we want. The dehydration process extends the shelf life of foods by removing their water through controlled heat, thus preventing the growth of bacteria and microbes. Thanks to this process it is possible to keep the organoleptic and nutritional features of foods unaltered without using any preservatives or other chemical substances. Dehydrators have recently become a highly useful tool in catering which permits, among other things, to substantially reduce food waste.
The preparation of our products lasts several days, after which the ingredients maintain their freshness and can be stored for months. The first step is to soak some of the ingredients, like walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and buckwheat. Soaking is essential for several reasons: it helps to remove antinutrients, such as phytic acid, which binds to essential minerals like calcium and zinc, reducing their absorption by the body. Additionally, it eliminates enzyme inhibitors that can hinder digestion and activates minerals and vitamins, making them more easily absorbable. Finally, it helps to eliminate dirt and impurities, ensuring the ingredients are clean. After being soaked overnight, these ingredients are rinsed and then dried using dehydrators at temperatures below 40°C. Regarding the almonds, before being dehydrated, they are peeled with boiling water and then placed in the dehydrator for about 2 nights. After drying (some ingredients require up to two nights), the ingredients are ready to be weighed. The weighing process is highly precise because if the dosage is incorrect, the ingredients cannot provide their benefits. The right combination of ingredients ensures exceptional nutritional value. Once prepared, all the ingredients are carefully packaged into bags.
GREEN BOX (Classic)
High-quality and organic ingredients

1: Honey
/ˈhʌnɪ/ (n, C)
- sweet, golden syrup made by bees
- natural remedy with antibacterial properties
- used in wound healing since ancient times
- may support the immune system
2: Bee pollen
/biːˈpɒlən/ (n, C)
- fine, sticky powder collected by bees from flowers
- natural source of energy, protein, fiber, vitamins B1 and B2
- improves skin conditions, prevents dehydration, slows aging, promotes melanin production
- reduces histamine, which causes allergic reactions
3: Sunflower seed
/ˈsʌnˌflaʊə siːd/ (n, C)
- small, hard part of the sunflower plant with large, yellow flowers
- rich in nutrients that reduce stress
- promotes concentration and stimulates memory
- prevents migraines
4: Almond
/ˈɑːmənd/ (n, C)
- edible, oval nut with a hard shell
- provides high satiety, reducing hunger
- rich in nutrients beneficial for bones, teeth, and the nervous system
- takes care of the nervous system
- helps balance the body’s pH level
5: Raisin
/ˈreɪzən/ (n, C)
- dried grape, small, wrinkled, and naturally sweet
- high energy content, provides quick sugars
- supports digestion and intestinal health
- preserves eye health, protects teeth from plaque, cavities, and fragility
- improves calcium absorption
6: Hemp seed
/hɛmp siːd/ (n, C)
- seed of the hemp plant, harvested from fertilized female flowers
- prevents brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
- promotes radiant skin
- helps balance sugar levels
7: Turmeric
/ˈtɜːmərɪk/ (n, U)
- spice extracted from the roots of the tropical plant
- stimulates fat burning
- enhances production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, helping fight depression
- inhibits growth of certain cancer cells
8: Buckwheat
/ˈbʌkˌwiːt/ (n, U)
- gluten-free seed of an herbaceous plant
- helps regulate blood sugar levels and stimulates circulation in small blood vessels
- supports heart health by improving cholesterol levels
- rich in antioxidants that fight inflammation
- assists in muscle function
9: Spirulina
/ˌspɪrˈuːlɪnə/ (n, U)
- blue-green algae extracted from freshwater sources
- combats aging thanks to its antioxidant properties
- protects and improves cells exposed to radiation
- promotes radiant skin, hair, and nails
10: Millet
/ˈmɪlɪt/ (n, U)
- gluten-free cereal, peeled and ground
- contains phosphorus and stimulates cell regeneration
- reduces the risk of diabetes
- enhances the condition of the heart
- enhances heart health with polyunsaturated fats, fiber, and minerals
11: Walnut
/ˈwɔːlnət/ (n, C)
- edible seed of the walnut tree, enclosed in a hard shell
- helps regulate sleep due to its melatonin content
- enhances mood
- reduces stress
12: Flax Seed
/flæks siːd/ (n, C)
- small, nutrient-dense seed rich in omega-3s, fiber, and protein
- has a cleansing effect on the intestines
- provides satiety
- reduces the risk of cancer
- its oil is recommended for rheumatoid arthritis
13: Cinnamon
/ˈsɪnəmən/ (n, U)
- spice obtained by drying the innermost part of the bark of a tropical tree
- natural sweetener
- helps stabilize blood sugar levels
- has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, helping fight bacteria, fungi, and viruses
14: Cardamom
/ˈkɑːdəməm/ (n, U)
- spice from the pods of ginger family plants, used in cooking and aromatherapy
- promotes fresh breath and preventing cavities thanks to its antibacterial properties
- stimulates digestion and supports toxin elimination through the kidneys and liver
- traditionally used to relieve intestinal spasms
High-quality and organic ingredients

1: Carob nib
/ˈkærəb nɪb/ (n, C)
- handcrafted grain with figs, carob powder, cocoa butter, vanilla, rose water, peppermint oil, a pinch of salt, cayenne pepper
- natural energy source from carob and figs
- caffeine-free, sweetened only with figs, without refined sugars
- rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties
- supports digestive health
2: Sunflower seed
/ˈsʌnˌflaʊə siːd/ (n, C)
- small, hard part of the sunflower plant with large, yellow flowers
- rich in nutrients that reduce stress
- promotes concentration and stimulates memory
- prevents migraines
3: Almond
/ˈɑːmənd/ (n, C)
- edible, oval nut with a hard shell
- provides high satiety, reducing hunger
- rich in nutrients beneficial for bones, teeth, and the nervous system
- takes care of the nervous system
- helps balance the body’s pH level
4: Raisin
/ˈreɪzən/ (n, C)
- dried grape, small, wrinkled, and naturally sweet
- high energy content, provides quick sugars
- supports digestion and intestinal health
- preserves eye health, protects teeth from plaque, cavities, and fragility
- improves calcium absorption
5: Hemp seed
/hɛmp siːd/ (n, C)
- seed of the hemp plant, harvested from fertilized female flowers
- prevents brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
- promotes radiant skin
- helps balance sugar levels
6: Turmeric
/ˈtɜːmərɪk/ (n, U)
- spice extracted from the roots of the tropical plant
- stimulates fat burning
- enhances production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, helping fight depression
- inhibits growth of certain cancer cells
7: Buckwheat
/ˈbʌkˌwiːt/ (n, U)
- gluten-free seed of an herbaceous plant
- helps regulate blood sugar levels and stimulates circulation in small blood vessels
- supports heart health by improving cholesterol levels
- rich in antioxidants that fight inflammation
- assists in muscle function
8: Spirulina
/ˌspɪrˈuːlɪnə/ (n, U)
- blue-green algae extracted from freshwater sources
- combats aging thanks to its antioxidant properties
- protects and improves cells exposed to radiation
- promotes radiant skin, hair, and nails
9: Millet
/ˈmɪlɪt/ (n, U)
- gluten-free cereal, peeled and ground
- contains phosphorus and stimulates cell regeneration
- reduces the risk of diabetes
- enhances the condition of the heart
- enhances heart health with polyunsaturated fats, fiber, and minerals
10: Walnut
/ˈwɔːlnət/ (n, C)
- edible seed of the walnut tree, enclosed in a hard shell
- helps regulate sleep due to its melatonin content
- enhances mood
- reduces stress
11: Flax Seed
/flæks siːd/ (n, C)
- small, nutrient-dense seed rich in omega-3s, fiber, and protein
- has a cleansing effect on the intestines
- provides satiety
- reduces the risk of cancer
- its oil is recommended for rheumatoid arthritis
12: Cinnamon
/ˈsɪnəmən/ (n, U)
- spice obtained by drying the innermost part of the bark of a tropical tree
- natural sweetener
- helps stabilize blood sugar levels
- has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, helping fight bacteria, fungi, and viruses
13: Cardamom
/ˈkɑːdəməm/ (n, U)
- spice from the pods of ginger family plants, used in cooking and aromatherapy
- promotes fresh breath and preventing cavities thanks to its antibacterial properties
- stimulates digestion and supports toxin elimination through the kidneys and liver
- traditionally used to relieve intestinal spasms